Start here for cataloged books and 70,000 teacher-approved websites:
Destiny Library Resources
Catalog Features:
Library Search: Keyword, title, author, subject, series search for books, ebooks and websites
Destiny Quest: Graphic searching for the digitally-savvy student, including new book lists, resource lists by the librarian and most popular titles.
Resource lists: Library and web resources selected by your teachers and librarian for a theme
For teachers:
Standards Search: aligns library resources and educator selected websites and library titles to state standards
Reserve Materials: Reserve supplemental materials from the IMC. Use your Active Directory login for Destiny to search the catalog for materials available through the IMC and select the date you want them delivered to your school. Click here for detailed instructions.
Still can't find it? First ask your librarian for help at 858-397-6600 x3060 or [email protected] and then...
Try other local libraries:
San Diego County Library
San Diego Public Library